To support your child's development over the summer- we highly recommend the white rose maths workbooks.
White Rose Maths is excited to have produced a range of work booklets for parents and children to use over the summer or during next year. These booklets can be found on Amazon for the Kindle or downloaded below. There is one booklet for each of our blocks for Y1 to Y6. Please follow the link below to view the workbooks on the white rose maths website.
Our aim is to equip all pupils with the skills and confidence to solve a range of problems through fluency with numbers and mathematical reasoning. Children are encouraged to see the mathematics that surrounds them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject.
By following our own curriculum (linked to the 2014 National Curriculum) children expand their understanding through exploration, problem solving, discussion and practical experience.
A key aspect of teaching throughout the school involves the use of practical apparatus to promote understanding of mathematical processes and ideas. Carefully planned activities encourage children to work mentally, observe patterns, make predictions and discuss relationships. Mathematics skills are also used in other subjects such as science, computing and art.
This academic year we are looking at research into 'mathematical mindset' and how negative messages about maths can have a negative effect on children's progress- watch this TEDtalk video by Jo Boaler to learn more about the image of mathematics and gain some understanding on how you should talk about mathematics to your child/children.
In light of current changes to the way we teach Mathematics at Holy Cross Catholic Primary we have produced new Calculation Guidance, please see below.
Please also have a look at your child's class page, where you will find a Mastery Mathematics booklet with information about Mastery Mathematics and questions on how to support your child at home.
Click on your child's year group below to see the objectives taught throughout the year. You can also look at 'The Power of 10' document which shows how we teach numbers up to 10 in depth.