The PTA (Parent and Teacher Association) is a mixture of parents and teachers whose aim is to raise money to provide all those extras that the school simply wouldn’t be able to provide.
We meet once a half term so that’s 6 times a year, to organise a variety of events. We are a friendly group ranging from stay at home mums to those who work full time who do whatever they can to provide more for all the children that attend the school. We are always looking for volunteers to attend meetings, help organise events, or just to help us out on the day.
Money we have raised has bought a variety of resources. Here are just some of them:
- Raised vegetable beds
- Outdoor planters
- New guided reading books
- Helped to refurbish the library
- Digital cameras for each class
- New netball kits
- Interactive whiteboards
Some of the events we organise are:
- A blue bags to school collection
- Christmas Fayre
- School disco’s
- Family bingo
- Summer Fayre
We are currently raising money to buy IPADS for the school.
A quick and easy way to donate that costs you no money is to enter shopping websites via easy fundraising each shop agrees to give a percentage of what you spend to Holy Cross catholic school and costs you nothing. Use the following link to sign up and support our school.