At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, working closely with our Parish Priest, we provide Sacramental preparation as part of our Religious Education Curriculum in school.
As parents, who are sending their child to a Catholic school, we expect you and your child to participate fully in all aspects of the preparation and support the school as it develops your child’s understanding of the significance and importance of the Sacrament they are about to receive; helping them to grow in faith and continue their journey to become closer to God.
In Year 3, the children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as ‘First Confession’, in the Summer Term. The children will be taught all about forgiveness and the concept of ‘saying sorry’ for anything they may have done that does not show us living our lives as God would want.
In Year 3, the children will also receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, also known as ‘First Holy Communion’, in the Summer Term. The children are taught all about the ‘Consecration’ which is the part of the Mass when the bread and wine is changed into the ‘Body and Blood of Christ’ so that they can receive the body of Christ every time they go to Mass from that day onward.
In Year 6, the children will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring Term. This special Sacrament is where the children will receive the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit from the Bishop; enhancing their understanding of the way we should live our lives as God would want, strengthening their faith so that they are now classed as adults in the eyes of the Church.
The Sacramental Preparation Programmes are organised by our Parish Priest, Fr. Neil Bayliss, in collaboration with school leaders. Further information can be found on the Parish website:
Holy Cross & St Francis – Catholic Parish (